By continuously monitoring a patient’s gait speed, the system can assess the condition’s severity between visits to the doctor’s office.
Dina Katabi
Q&A: Dina Katabi on a “smart” home with actual intelligence
MIT professor is designing the next generation of smart wireless devices that will sit in the background, gathering and interpreting data, rather than being worn on the body.
System detects errors when medication is self-administered
Wireless sensing technology could help improve patients’ technique with inhalers and insulin pens.
Monitoring sleep positions for a healthy rest
Wireless device captures sleep data without using cameras or body sensors; could aid patients with Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, or bedsores.
What can your microwave tell you about your health?
An MIT system uses wireless signals to measure in-home appliance usage to better understand health tendencies.
A "GPS for inside your body"
CSAIL wireless system suggests future where doctors could implant sensors to track tumors or even dispense drugs.
Artificial intelligence senses people through walls
Wireless smart-home system from the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory could monitor diseases and help the elderly “age in place.”