Hand-held magnetic resonance imaging

Jacob K. White
Cecil H Green Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

2020 SENSE.nano Symposium
Monday, September 21, 2020
Session 2: Organs
3:50PM – 4:05PM EST

The costs and complex infrastructure for high-field (> 1.5 Tesla) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has relegated this extremely-safe and remarkably-revealing clinical tool to high-end hospital care. Recently-developed low-field MR imagers (0.05 to 0.2 Tesla) are changing this situation, because they can accurately image an adult brain, yet are portable enough to wheel to an ICU or NICU.

In this talk, White will discuss his group's nascent effort to go even further; an imager that a clinician could slide over an arm (or a leg, or an infant's head), and "see beneath the skin" in real time. White will start by describing the techniques used in their $100, student-assembleable, finger-sized imager, and then discuss the daunting challenges in moving beyond their very small educational device.

A photo of Jacob WhiteBiography
Professor White has been a faculty member at MIT since 1987, is currently the C.H. Green Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and recently became a MacVicar Faculty Fellow. His research area is in numerical algorithms and software for engineering design, and his current focus is on using novel combinations of computation and commodity hardware to develop medical and educational technology with minimal economic barriers.